One Scripture reference for this poem is 1st Peter 5:8-9, in which Peter exhorts the Church to remain mindful of their conduct in the midst of the spiritual battle. Another good reference is Ephesians 6:18; following the famous “Armor of God” verses, it reminds us of an all-important aspect of Christian life: prayer. Among other things, it is our means of communicating with God, keeping our relationship with Him fresh and up-to-date.
I’ll admit, some of the rhymes in this poem are probably not the best, but what remains most important is the message behind them.
“Be Watchful and Pray” (#7)
Thus says the Lord God on high,
“I beseech you, my children, in this way:
That in all things you say and do,
Be watchful and earnestly pray.
For the devil is cunning and wicked,
And will deceive at every chance he can get;
He’ll often come when you least expect him,
Or during times when you are blest.
Yet I say to you, those whom I have saved from sin,
Trust in me, and do not fret,
For though Satan may seem to have the victory now,
MY time is coming yet.
There may still seem to be a battle in the world,
But the ultimate victory is won.
So cling to me, and do not doubt
Your Lord, who is both three and one.
The world may seem tall and mighty,
Eager to conquer with its proud banner unfurled,
But I tell you the truth: greater is He that is in you
Than he that is ruler of the world.
So stand tall and be strong, you warriors of God,
Be always steadfast and pray.