Poem #11

This one I remember with slight sorrow; I was thinking of three great friends I knew back when I was in 5th/6th grade, who didn’t know the Lord at the time. Unfortunately, two of them are no longer among the living, and I questioned why I didn’t try sharing more with them – even over Facebook, email, or the phone. Now, whenever I think of them – and this poem – I am encouraged to share my faith while I still have the chance, because once you cross into eternity, the opportunities end.

“A Christian remembering his unsaved friends” (#11)
Oh Lord God, use me to reach the people I know,
Near or far, wherever they are;
Let your living waters through me flow,
And touch their lives, opening their eyes
To the Jesus living in me;
So that they may see your truth,
And this, too, do I plea:
Give them open ears and hearts
To hear and receive the message from above;
Let me be an example to them
Of your everlasting love.