Poem #51

Looking back at this poem, I thought about the concept of living on borrowed time, and how our true (and original) purpose is to bring glory to God. That is impossible, however, if we choose to remain fallen and live for our own pleasure instead of His. It reminds me of Susan’s fate at the end of the Narnia series; she chooses to live in the shallow party life instead of keeping Aslan and Narnia close to heart.

“God’s schedule, not our own” (#51)

So many people today just want to have fun-all the time, always on the go.
So, when they hear of following God and His plan, often, their answer is “No.”
It’s hard to follow what someone else wants-it’s part of our human nature.
However, we lose this desire as our walk with the Lord does mature.
As a Christian, you must learn to go at the pace of having God in the lead.
Trust that He will work all for the good and satisfy our every need.