Recently, I taught my first psychology class at my new teaching position. In the course of the lesson, I saw a correlation between Maslow’s Hiearchy of Needs and the progression of the four loves.
In the Greek language, there are four different words for “love,” each with its own context or application. When viewed together, there is a progression from the self outward.
Eros – love of self, base word of “erratic” Examples: Ebenezer Scrooge, the Grinch
Storge – close-knit family love
Phileo – fraternal love (between friends)
Agape – sacrificial, ever-giving love
In Christianity, we learn that we are selfish beings due to our fallen nature; when we accept Jesus as our Savior and the divine nature of God is reawakened in us, we learn to grow and expand our love. Jesus’ second commandment to us is our starting point; “love your neighbor as yourself,” means that we give the care and provision we would provide for ourselves and direct it outward. In the end, God means for us to arrive at “agape,” which is the way He loves all of us.