Poem #5

In my walk as a Christian, I have found waiting to be by far one of the hardest things to do. As humans we have an innate drive to be doing something; GOD gave us that drive right at the beginning with Adam and Eve. For us to do the work GOD has planned, though, we need to be ready, and sometimes the preparation process seems a bit tedious. The best way to smooth it out: trust GOD with the present/future and always be on the lookout for ways to grow.

“Waiting on the Lord” (#5)
Has your faith been backsliding;
Is your walk full of strife?
Do you find yourself wondering,
“Why isn’t God working in my life?”
The fly in the ointment of your faith
May actually lie quite near.
Sometimes it is found in people around you,
Other times, by looking in the mirror.
In times of doubt, pray to God for faith,
and wait patiently for His word;
the curing answer that comes, my friend,
may be the greatest you’ve ever heard.
Whatever the fault, give it up to the Lord,
And trust He will use it for the best.
The peace of God will come then,
And like water, swell up in your chest.
The Lord is faithful, kind, and just
To all who serve under Him;
This you will find if you seek it,
So go and wait on Him.