College Poem #5

“Vessels of Living Water”

Jesus calls for us to follow Him and become witnesses of the Way.
Christians are vessels and temples of the Holy Ghost, and are called to be witnesses for Jesus every day.
We are like pipes, bringing the Living Water of Jesus Christ to a world that is spiritually dry.
But, even as Christians, we also need this water, and here is the reason why.
In John chapter four, Jesus said that all who drink of His water will become fountains of the Water of Eternal Life.
Every fountain, however, needs a source, and when it is removed, the fountain ceases to flow; it lacks any sign of life.
Without water, the fountain is useless, for its purpose is gone. Likewise, a Christian without Christ just cannot go on.
They become stagnant and empty, the absence painfully felt in their heart-where once was peace and joy when to God they knelt.
If they should wish to be filled with Living Water again, then here is what they should do:
Pray to the Lord to cleanse them of their sin, and fill them with the Holy Spirit anew.
Then, they may witness for the Lord once more, until the time when He calls all believers to be with Him forevermore.