Poem #31

“Who is your Master?” (#31)

Who is the Master of your life? To whom do you turn as your help resource?
What guides the course of your existence; is it a physical or spiritual force?
The way that you live your life reveals whom you serve to all;
It is shown by the principles you live by, whether you follow your own path or the Call.
The deeds of your life reveal your heart, and show if Jesus is its Lord.
No one is without a Master, no more than an appliance without a power cord.
No matter who you serve, you serve only one, we all know this to be true;
It’s just like the Word says in Matthew 6:24, “a man cannot serve two…”
More than your life now is determined by whom you serve; it also sets your course for eternity.
You must choose one-Jesus or Satan, Heaven or Hell-in your heart of hearts, ask yourself: “Which one will it be?”