Poem #36

This poem was inspired by Psalm 84 and the contemporary worship song derived from it; it’s one of my favorites from growing up.

“One Day in Your House” (#36)

Lord, how I long for Your peace in this world of toil and strife.
Lord Jesus, please bring your incomprehensible peace when my soul is troubled in this life.
Come to my heart and fellowship with me; bring Your presence and stay
With me always. I would rather be with You than do anything else any day.
I say this because I know that only You truly satisfy
All who come looking for You-and here is the reason why:
There is a void in every human heart that nothing in this world can fill.
Nothing can replace the presence of God-no alcohol, drug, or pill.
So we should be seeking You, and upon You cast all our cares;
As David said, “Better is one day in Your presence than a thousand elsewhere.”