Poem #37

When writing this, I was thinking of the Rich Fool, but also of the Rapture and the Day of Judgment.

“What is your assurance of Tomorrow?” (#37)

What, oh man, makes you believe that another day will come?
Why, tomorrow could be Judgment Day-hearts beating like a drum
As countless souls stand before My mighty throne
All voices kept to a silenced tone.
All the pride of man has been laid low,
As if it were a sand castle, destroyed by the undertow.
There will be no more hiding-all that has been done shall be seen;
Deeds, public and secret, will be revealed – all things done that ever have been.
Those who have trusted in the hope of My eternal Son
Will hear “Welcome, faithful servant-the war has now been won.
Enter into thy eternal rest.” But those who chose to reject Me
In life will stand before the Judge-with no place left to flee.
They will hear “Depart from me, I knew you not!” and into Hell’s eternal fire,
Because they chose in life to go there, there they shall retire.
So be prayerful witnesses, children of God, convince the lost to change their present state
Before Christ comes again-and then they find that it is too late.