College poem #34 (only three to go :-( )

“The Promise”

My children, look at the choices before you and consider them with care;
Keep in mind the results at the end that await you there.
The path I call you to walk is difficult, but eternal life and My blessing are yours
If you follow Me faithfully; take a step of faith, go forward as I open the doors.
The world offers pleasures for a time, but, in the end, it never satisfies.
Everyone who chooses to follow that road sooner or later twice dies.
The world’s pleasures blind you to all, even yourself, robbing you of your potential and ability to truly live.
Follow Me, and have no fear of what may come, for with My presence in you, strength I will give.
Choose this day what you will do, which path your feet will follow.
Always remember that in life, every choice matters- you will surely reap what you sow.