In this poem, I reflected on how callous or apathetic we can become to the Gospel and its eternal implications.
“No Tears for Jesus”
Who lifted up their voices and wept when Jesus Christ was condemned to die?
Who takes the time anymore to contemplate what He did to save you and I?
So often, we think concealing emotions is good, that somehow, doing so makes us strong.
But the truth is, to deny the hurt and hide the pain was and always is wrong.
On the cross, Jesus took on all sins from all time; He bore the punishment for humanity’s every crime.
Jesus came to free us from our sins, and a way to new, everlasting life make.
We are bound as prisoners by our nature and choices, and those chains only He can break.
Yet do we consider how much He hurts when against Him we choose to rebel,
Forsaking Him for our own desires and for pleasure our lives sell?
If not for Jesus, then weep for yourself, for having rejected His grace for the world’s scraps.
The life it promises is but a fleeting mist, a field in which souls are ensnared in baited traps.