Poem #29

This poem builds on the last one, and also recollects the saying “God qualifies the called,” which references Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

“The Fiery Passion of Faith” (#29)

When the Holy Spirit empowers you, you can know that you can do all
That the Lord wants you to do, wherever you feel His call.
Don’t let the world get you down-Jesus is mightier than all the world can do
To try and draw you away from Him. He is too big a bite for the world to chew.
Just trust in Him and get to know Him more every day that you have on this temporary berth.
Every moment is a time to practice for the eternal glory which is beyond this Earth.
Go out every day, confident that you can be used by God anywhere, anytime.
Just be attentive to God’s every command-whether you are to go, or stop on a dime.

Poem #28

Many times in my Christian walk, I have felt the impact of this poem. Pastors and teachers have stressed to me the importance of taking at least a little time each day to quiet the mind and let God minister to your spirit. One of the lowest times in my life was a stretch of my college career when I neglected my time with God; I am very much convinced of the fact that Christians cannot survive a day without God.

“Time out with God” (#28)

As a follower of Jesus, it’s important to understand
That we should make time for God even when time is in demand.
We all get tired as people; we need a time to rest.
And time spent seeking and growing closer to God is by far the best.
Without fellowship with God, we get burnt out and fall back in our Christian walk.
Only with God’s help will our actions in life mirror our talk.
So set aside a little time every day to yourself in the Spirit refresh.
Make yourself so close to God that, if you were a net, He would be the mesh.

Poem #27

“Fear of the Lord” (#27)

Thus commands the Lord God on High
With words that echo like thunder in the sky:
“My children, though I am your comfort and safety,
You must understand that you must fear Me.
Not as the idolaters fear a tyrant’s foul blow,
But as children fear the father that they know.
I am both merciful and just; love and anger each have their place
In my plan-I discipline even those that I most closely embrace.
I ask that you, those for whom my Son’s blood was shed,
Would prepare your hearts every morning and before bed.
Remember that, if you love me, my commands you will obey,
For there are those whom evil directs like in a chess play.
How will they know Me as God if they see my children disobey
My commands by living opposite of Christ and refusing to pray
To the Ruler of all? I implore you, my children, live as I have said,
As my only Son did when the physical life He led.
So love me, my children, but respect me as well;
For therein lies the concept that will faith propel:
I am your Father, in more ways than one;
I am ever-caring, but justice must also be done.
So walk in the narrow path, oh followers of God,
Live in the freedom and fear of the God to whom you bring laud.”

Poem #26

This poem was inspired by Jesus’ words about separating the sheep from the goats, as God will divide people on the Day of Judgment. C.S. Lewis used a similar image in The Last Battle, the book that concluded his Chronicles of Narnia series.

“To the Left and Right” (#26)

On the last day, when all are gathered to God’s white judgment throne,
We will be judged by the life we lived and whether it was founded on the Chief Capstone.
Into two groups we will be divided-there will be no middle ground.
There will be those who were used in God’s work and those who aided the attempt to put it down.
On the right will be His followers-those who dedicated their lives to His cause,
And allowed the Holy Spirit to use them, even if it meant disobeying secular laws.
To the left will be those who rejected Him-the ones who chose not to follow His Son.
Even if they were to attempt to accept the truth now, the decision regarding their fate would be done.
Those on the right will enter into Heaven, while those on the left will be forced to depart
Into eternal separation from God-ask yourself, after death, in which group will you have a part?
If the Holy Spirit is imploring you to accept salvation on this date today, please accept it, before it is too late.

College Poem #3

I envisioned two different types of people who are separated from society – those who are shunned by others (people who “are cast out”), and those who choose to shun others (people who “cast themselves out”). Isolation is the opposite of what God intended for us; therefore, we as Christians need to be reaching out to both “outcasts.”

“Two Outcasts”

The most commonly seen outcasts today are people whom others reject
Based upon a character trait or habit, or the inability to make their own image reflect.
Outcasts more often than not assemble in groups to gather comfort from each other.
Since they are separated from the world’s “normal” people, every outcast becomes a brother.
But there is another, less-frequently seen outcast, those who distance themselves from everyone.
They are isolated because they choose to be; they walk alone under the light of the sun.
Both outcasts can be saved by the grace of God, made possible by the sacrifice of the Lamb upon the hill
Of Calvary-but if Christ’s children do not reach out to those who need Him, then who will?
We have been told many times before that it is better to give than to get.
So, after receiving His everlasting grace, how can we the others who need Him forget?
So pray that God would give you a heart like His own, and reach out in love that goes deeper than flesh and bone.

Poem #25

“A Thorn in my Flesh” (#25)

O God, tell me, why do I have this problem in my life?
It seemingly never leaves-it always causes me strife.
Why does it stay there-a disease within my soul?
I know that when You came into my life, Your Spirit made me whole.
So why does it linger within-this thing that does me such trouble?
Whenever it comes around, I can’t help giving it a look double.
Then I remember what You said to Paul in 2nd Corinthians 12 verse seven-
You placed one in his flesh to guard him from life’s leaven-
The sin of growing too proud because of praise;
To remind him that those who are great, You raise.

Poem #24

A Question of Humility (#24)

When people utter compliments for the “poetry knack”
That You have given me, Lord, how should I react?
I know that I should never take all the credit for me;
As a Christian, I bow to You my knee.
Yet Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy:
“Elders who rule well deserve honor doubly.”
For if we see others doing Your will,
Your Word says “Do not hold them still.”
And “A worker, of his wages, is worthy.”
But, though I may be, I wish only to bring You glory.
So I pray, Lord, that as Your work I do,
I would seek only to honor You.
And, if I am honored, may humble I stay,
And through Your work, continue to point others to the Way.

Poem #23

Getting to Know God (#23)

When we started out, I never did dream
That I would radically find out that, in the Christian life, we’re a team;
You commanding, me obeying, and knowing You deeper as we go;
Through the trials and tough temptations, with You, my faith gradually grows.
That’s what it’s about-trusting in You, and finding out how great life can be-
When I trust in the eternal God, it’s so much better than trusting me.
You are the One-everything and more than I could ever want or dream;
All I need do is trust You with my life, and give You control, and I will draw closer to Heaven’s gleam.
You are more than anything, the great I Am, the great Provider and Friend;
You comfort me in my greatest grief, every time when my whole life seems to rend.
You are the Lord and Master of my life; no other being will I serve.
For You alone have love everlasting, and only You my soul can preserve.

Poem #22

“My Daily Workout with God” (#22)

Every morning when I get out of bed, I pray that this would be:
That I would start out my day with just you, God, and me.
I want to have victory today in my Christian life;
And You are the only one who can prepare me for the strife
And troubles that face me every day; in You alone am I strong.
And I know that, with You as trainer and guide, You will never lead me wrong.
Your technique is simple: get into the Word every day, and believe it will change my heart;
Then obey what it says, trust, and pray, knowing that every day is the start
Of another chance to live for You – and to do so, I must trust in Your strength alone;
This I know to be true – a life built on Jesus Christ is as solid as a house built on stone.
So, despite the pain of the Way,
I’m going to work with God every day.

Poem #21

“You are always with Me” (#21)

You, o God, are the only one I know
Who will follow and help me to go
And stay on the right path-all the way-through thick and thin,
As long as I remain in you, Satan can’t win.
But I know You aren’t just a fair-weather friend;
When I’m in pain, I look up-and then
I see You there, going through it with me;
In my sufferings, I’ve never seen You flee
And leave me alone-no, Your love is too great
For You to leave any of your children as vulture bait.
You stay with them all, and weep by their side,
For the suffering church is always on your mind.
When a relative dies without choosing to know you
The mourning believer knows this to be true:
You know their pain-You see everyone who dies every day
Those who are in darkness, and those who know the Way.
You never leave anyone-it’s their choice to leave You
Or stay and abide, and learn what to do
When pain hits home: they run to You,
And they can find comfort in all that they do.
You follow us everywhere-even to the shadow of death
And we’ll be with You forever when we breathe our last breath.

Insights, voiceovers, and more