Poem #37

When writing this, I was thinking of the Rich Fool, but also of the Rapture and the Day of Judgment.

“What is your assurance of Tomorrow?” (#37)

What, oh man, makes you believe that another day will come?
Why, tomorrow could be Judgment Day-hearts beating like a drum
As countless souls stand before My mighty throne
All voices kept to a silenced tone.
All the pride of man has been laid low,
As if it were a sand castle, destroyed by the undertow.
There will be no more hiding-all that has been done shall be seen;
Deeds, public and secret, will be revealed – all things done that ever have been.
Those who have trusted in the hope of My eternal Son
Will hear “Welcome, faithful servant-the war has now been won.
Enter into thy eternal rest.” But those who chose to reject Me
In life will stand before the Judge-with no place left to flee.
They will hear “Depart from me, I knew you not!” and into Hell’s eternal fire,
Because they chose in life to go there, there they shall retire.
So be prayerful witnesses, children of God, convince the lost to change their present state
Before Christ comes again-and then they find that it is too late.

Poem #36

This poem was inspired by Psalm 84 and the contemporary worship song derived from it; it’s one of my favorites from growing up.

“One Day in Your House” (#36)

Lord, how I long for Your peace in this world of toil and strife.
Lord Jesus, please bring your incomprehensible peace when my soul is troubled in this life.
Come to my heart and fellowship with me; bring Your presence and stay
With me always. I would rather be with You than do anything else any day.
I say this because I know that only You truly satisfy
All who come looking for You-and here is the reason why:
There is a void in every human heart that nothing in this world can fill.
Nothing can replace the presence of God-no alcohol, drug, or pill.
So we should be seeking You, and upon You cast all our cares;
As David said, “Better is one day in Your presence than a thousand elsewhere.”

Poem #35

“Following Your Lead” (#35)

It seems so easy, Lord Jesus, to say “I will follow your lead.”
But when we realize the commitment required, for Your strength do we plead.
Following your example on Earth is not for those whose commitment is weak.
It requires us to be servants to all, and in everything to be humble and meek.
We are to be to everyone we meet as if instead they were to meet You.
They should see Your light in us and know that what we believe is true.
Even to death we are to walk in Your steps; we are crucified with You on the Cross.
For us, as Paul said, to live is You and to die is no loss.
We pray that You would strengthen us with Your Holy Spirit, and be with us
As we praise You now, and prepare for Heaven where we will forever proclaim You to be glorious.

Poem #34

“A Blind Eye to God, Open Ears to the World” (#34)

Here I suffer, a soul condemned to Hell for eternity-and you ask “How?”
‘Tis because I ignored the God who kept saying “You need to accept me now.”
I never accepted the Savior-the eyes of my heart were blind.
But my ears were open to everything the world had to say-its words seemed kind.
I followed everything I was told about how to be popular, good-looking, and great.
And yet, when I could do no more to appease the world, it abandoned me, and left me for fish bait.
Even then, I turned not to God, but tried to console myself. I said that I was just like a toy placed up on a shelf.
When I passed from the world, I discovered the truth too late-I met the God I rejected face-to-face.
As He said, “Depart, I never knew you.” I found that in Heaven I had no place.
So I beg you, do not make the same mistake as I-
Accept the Lord today, and be received by Him high above the sky.

Poem #33

“Step Out in Faith” (#33)

My child, this have I to say unto you: my promises will always come true.
When you go out to preach My gospel, I will be there, beside and inside you.
I will not abandon you-what reason would I have to hide?
So go ahead and step into the darkness; I will lead you out to the other side.
I do not promise that the path will be easy, but when pain comes, I will give you the strength to bear it.
Through the pain, you will be refined like gold in a fire-you will become like Jesus-full of purity and merit.
You do not tread the path of life alone; I am always here to guide you.
With me as your protector and friend, it doesn’t matter what you go through.
So go ahead and take the leap of faith, I’ll catch you on the other side.
Follow faithfully, and, in the end, you will be received on Heaven and Earth as the Lamb’s Bride.

Poem #32

“Take off your mask” (#32)

Why do you disguise yourself by painting on a phony smile?
Why don’t you just take it off and be who God created you to be for a while?
Following God’s plan is so much better than just living life on your own;
What you do for the Lord touches your inmost being, going deeper than flesh and bone.
The Lord gave you talents to use as well as great skills.
By allowing a mask to cover them, their development it kills.
So have fellowship with Christ, every day of your life; to live with Him is so much better than not.
Take off your mask, and know true life in Him; be a human living for God, and not a robot.

Poem #31

“Who is your Master?” (#31)

Who is the Master of your life? To whom do you turn as your help resource?
What guides the course of your existence; is it a physical or spiritual force?
The way that you live your life reveals whom you serve to all;
It is shown by the principles you live by, whether you follow your own path or the Call.
The deeds of your life reveal your heart, and show if Jesus is its Lord.
No one is without a Master, no more than an appliance without a power cord.
No matter who you serve, you serve only one, we all know this to be true;
It’s just like the Word says in Matthew 6:24, “a man cannot serve two…”
More than your life now is determined by whom you serve; it also sets your course for eternity.
You must choose one-Jesus or Satan, Heaven or Hell-in your heart of hearts, ask yourself: “Which one will it be?”

College Poem #5

“Vessels of Living Water”

Jesus calls for us to follow Him and become witnesses of the Way.
Christians are vessels and temples of the Holy Ghost, and are called to be witnesses for Jesus every day.
We are like pipes, bringing the Living Water of Jesus Christ to a world that is spiritually dry.
But, even as Christians, we also need this water, and here is the reason why.
In John chapter four, Jesus said that all who drink of His water will become fountains of the Water of Eternal Life.
Every fountain, however, needs a source, and when it is removed, the fountain ceases to flow; it lacks any sign of life.
Without water, the fountain is useless, for its purpose is gone. Likewise, a Christian without Christ just cannot go on.
They become stagnant and empty, the absence painfully felt in their heart-where once was peace and joy when to God they knelt.
If they should wish to be filled with Living Water again, then here is what they should do:
Pray to the Lord to cleanse them of their sin, and fill them with the Holy Spirit anew.
Then, they may witness for the Lord once more, until the time when He calls all believers to be with Him forevermore.

College Poem #4

In writing this poem, I was inspired by Jesus’ parable of the Rich Fool, who thought that with great material wealth came an assurance of long life. We live only as long as God allows; that’s why we should live each day for God as if it were our last on this Earth.

“Procrastination of Faith”

Why do you say to the Lord Most High, “I will follow You later;
but, for the time being, I will to my own needs cater”?
Fool! To you, tomorrow is not guaranteed; you may not have another day
Of life to do anything-whether to follow God or reject Him and go your own way.
The end of the world could happen anytime-so I urge you, do not delay;
Live your life for the Lord, for He who first loved you, since before the very first day.
For if you delay in answering Him, you may not answer at all.
There is a great possibility that instead, you will turn away-and great will be your fall.
So accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, while you still have the time.
For the eternal fate for all who do not is worse than for any human crime.

Poem #30

This one is perhaps a bit messier, but the primary thought behind it is important. Following Christ means that you are actively pursuing Him, and we need to recognize that He should be first in our priorities – our lives were bought with His blood, and when we accept Him as Savior and Lord, He becomes our Master – and so Jesus calls the shots, not us.

“Practicing Your Faith” (#30)

Why do you say to God Almighty, “I want to do what I want, now”?
If you are such an apostate today, tell me, will you be different tomorrow, and how?
Practice what you have been taught by God today, and follow Him close in all the rest
Of the time that you have on this planet and stay close to Him-every day is a test
For your faith. Stay strong in the Lord and you will be sure to pass.
But be assured that you must rely on God, for you will be walking on water, not grass.
Your faith in Christ is by no means passive-Jesus wishes for you to seek Him actively;
If you seek Him with your whole heart, you’ll find Him, and He promises to walk with you faithfully.
Daily be reading His Word, and pray that He will be glorified through you.
Learn to know His voice, and never doubt Him, for His every word is true.

Insights, voiceovers, and more