The primary inspiration for this poem are the words found in Matthew 18:18; through Jesus Christ, we have the authority to bind evil or unleash good in His name. Yet how often do we fail to practice this, for whatever reason?
“Binding Up and Setting Loose”
Lord, the things You desire to do in our lives are like gifts wrapped up with a bow.
But in Your plan, they will not open and begin to work until we ask You to do so.
You have given unto Your children authority to bind and defeat the powers of darkness
And to set loose Your good and light in lives that would otherwise be lifeless.
But perhaps we have become accustomed to this gift, or its true meaning we forgot.
If we complain about the Spirit not moving in us, we do not have because we ask not.
Whether it be strength in weakness or joy in suffering, Lord, let us not be afraid to ask.
I pray that we would use all the gifts You give to equip us for success in each and every task.
May Your Spirit be poured out in our hearts and fill us with boldness and power,
That we may stand strong against the Devil in Your name until You return in the final hour.